nabazul133 发表于 2009-12-14 05:51:29

Electronic and RC Shops in China

First of all: Sorry for writing this in english but i cant read or speak any chinese. Feel free to delete this post if it is not allowed to post in english here.

As some of you already have noticed there is a new open source quadrocopter Project called UAVP NG . They are going to release the software for it in the next weeks. I am planning to build an ng myself but my budget is very low.So i planned to buy most of the components for it in china because i will visit a chinese friend in februar 2010.
The most of the components of the mikrocoper like engines, bl-controllers, remotes will work with the ng also so i am planning tu buy these and some of the electronic parts.

Now here is the point: where do you guys get your parts for your copters? When i am in china i will visit shanghai, nanjing and beijing do you know any good stores there ?

Can you recommend me a cheap 7-9 channel radio+reciever which works with the mikrokopter / ng. thanking you in anticipation for your answers

greetings Nabazul

touch_avr 发表于 2009-12-14 06:53:02

nice to meet you!

cyberjok 发表于 2009-12-14 07:39:47 shenzhen!

rei1984 发表于 2009-12-14 08:53:17


To nabazul133 :

visit ""   search"Mikrokopter" or “四轴飞行器” u will get the answers.

maximus-racing 发表于 2009-12-15 01:14:04

Hello Nabazul,
As "everybody" in Europe and USA you can found very good prices on also sells good WFLY radios.

verystupid 发表于 2009-12-15 12:41:01


nabazul133 发表于 2009-12-15 17:02:24

thanks for the answers!
which recivers do you use with those wfly radios ? the germans often use the ACT DSL-4top is it compatible with the wfly radio or do you use another one ? can you modify the wfly receiver to get the sum signal?

then theres another thing: the ng uses a different Flightcontorl board and sensor board than the Mirkokopter.

Here is the prt list of these boards:

for the start i dont need all of the componets like that magnetic compass thingy but the most expensive parts ar

1x Olimex LPC-H2148<- header board
3x Melexis MLX90609EEA-R2 <- gyros
1x ST LIS3LV02DQ <- 3D Accelerometer

any chinese shop where i can orden them ? I can deliver the stuff directly to my friend in china to keep the shipping costs low.

rei1984 发表于 2009-12-24 09:05:41


nabazul133 发表于 2010-1-8 18:50:21

Hello Guys its me again !

the uavp ng is now available for public but its too expensive for me (around 600$)
so i have decided to bild a mikrokopter first and later an ng when i saved some money.

i am going to buy this
and this radio

Now i got two mor questions:

Does that wfly radio work with the "PPM编码板一块,为了更好的兼容你的各种遥控接收设备。(SPCM/PPM RC)"
from the tabao set?

And can i use the german/englisch version of the KopterTool with the set from taobao ?

关心 Nabazul

robotchina 发表于 2010-1-8 21:49:49

hello,nabazul133 .

Does that wfly radio work with the "PPM编码板一块,为了更好的兼容你的各种遥控接收设备。(SPCM/PPM RC)"
from the tabao set?

Does that wfly radio work with the "PPM编码板一块,为了更好的兼容你的各种遥控接收设备。(SPCM/PPM RC)"
from the tabao set?

And can i use the german/englisch version of the KopterTool with the set from taobao ?

u can download :
and install it,ask the seller.
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