luzhengmao 发表于 2009-7-8 13:24:04

MLX90609 好像性能还不错

MLX90609 好像性能还不错

Standard Features and Benefits
 High resolution and dynamic range
 Both digital (SPI) and analog outputs
 Low acceleration and angular rate cross
 Low zero rate output drift
 Cost effective and compact solution
 High-performance MEMS sensor in mono
crystalline Si yields a superior long term
reliability behavior and dynamic range
 Programmable bandwidth
 Factory set full scale range
 On chip EEPROM calibration
 Small footprint (SMD CLCC32) with horizontal
 Operating temperature range: -40°C to 85°C

Resolution of the internal ADC 11 bit

Resonance Frequency FRES 8.2 KHz

Full Scale Range FSin
Factory set for N2 version±75
Factory set for E2 version±150
Factory set for R2 version±300

点击此处下载 ourdev_459595.rar(文件大小:485K) (原文件名:MLX90609_standard_datasheet.rar)

rei1984 发表于 2009-7-8 19:19:14


danielshen 发表于 2009-9-4 16:39:16

我这里有一个工作温度更好的陀螺仪,型号SD777、SD778,工作温度-40度到125度,而且这个还配有3轴加速度传感器,SPI输出,1K起订只需要30USD 1K起订,

692140122 发表于 2013-3-21 16:44:54

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