wuyu061 发表于 2009-6-25 16:21:19



Info: Starting NativeLink simulation with Active-HDL software
Error: Can't launch the Active-HDL software -- the path to the location of the executables for the Active-HDL software were not specified or theexecutables were not found at specified path.
Error: You can specify the path in the EDA Tool Options page of the Options dialog box or using the Tcl command set_user_option.
Error: Can't launch the Active-HDL software -- the path to the location of the executables for the Active-HDL software were not specified or theexecutables were not found at specified path.
Error: NativeLink simulation flow was NOT successful
Info: For messages from NativeLink scripts, check the file E:/EDA/wuguixin/DFF2_nativelink_simulation.rpt
Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 1 error, 4 warnings

LuoPan19770708 发表于 2009-6-26 08:19:11

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