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发表于 2014-9-20 10:42:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. $ ./esc32Cal --cl -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A601XMZA -a 15
  2. Starting...
  3. Duty 10 to 15, MAX current = 0.058223
  4. Duty 10 to 20, MAX current = 0.108407
  5. Duty 10 to 25, MAX current = 0.500164
  6. Duty 10 to 30, MAX current = 1.898499
  7. Duty 10 to 35, MAX current = 3.761798
  8. Duty 10 to 40, MAX current = 6.156939
  9. Duty 10 to 45, MAX current = 9.003143
  10. Duty 10 to 50, MAX current = 11.980148
  11. Duty 10 to 55, MAX current = 16.547342
  12. Duty 15 to 20, MAX current = 0.038725
  13. Duty 15 to 25, MAX current = 0.121666
  14. Duty 15 to 30, MAX current = 0.355465
  15. Duty 15 to 35, MAX current = 1.597845
  16. Duty 15 to 40, MAX current = 3.573582
  17. Duty 15 to 45, MAX current = 5.931773
  18. Duty 15 to 50, MAX current = 9.155440
  19. Duty 15 to 55, MAX current = 12.411558
  20. Duty 15 to 60, MAX current = 16.569159
  21. Duty 20 to 25, MAX current = 0.083638
  22. Duty 20 to 30, MAX current = 0.205923
  23. Duty 20 to 35, MAX current = 0.435426
  24. Duty 20 to 40, MAX current = 1.935502
  25. Duty 20 to 45, MAX current = 4.062157
  26. Duty 20 to 50, MAX current = 6.634882
  27. Duty 20 to 55, MAX current = 9.555573
  28. Duty 20 to 60, MAX current = 13.168015
  29. Duty 20 to 65, MAX current = 17.114410
  30. Duty 25 to 30, MAX current = 0.152734
  31. Duty 25 to 35, MAX current = 0.294460
  32. Duty 25 to 40, MAX current = 0.294460
  33. Duty 25 to 45, MAX current = 2.479699
  34. Duty 25 to 50, MAX current = 4.826064
  35. Duty 25 to 55, MAX current = 7.476730
  36. Duty 25 to 60, MAX current = 10.615099
  37. Duty 25 to 65, MAX current = 13.888595
  38. Duty 25 to 70, MAX current = 18.018114
  39. Duty 30 to 35, MAX current = 0.232430
  40. Duty 30 to 40, MAX current = 0.402712
  41. Duty 30 to 45, MAX current = 1.117530
  42. Duty 30 to 50, MAX current = 2.832964
  43. Duty 30 to 55, MAX current = 5.498896
  44. Duty 30 to 60, MAX current = 8.453266
  45. Duty 30 to 65, MAX current = 11.471960
  46. Duty 30 to 70, MAX current = 15.703364
  47. Duty 35 to 40, MAX current = 0.352331
  48. Duty 35 to 45, MAX current = 0.597305
  49. [color=Red]Duty 35 to 50, MAX current = 0.597305
  50. Duty 35 to 55, MAX current = 0.597305
  51. Duty 35 to 60, MAX current = 0.597305
  52. Duty 35 to 65, MAX current = 0.597305
  53. Duty 35 to 70, MAX current = 0.597305
  54. Duty 35 to 75, MAX current = 0.597305
  55. Duty 35 to 80, MAX current = 0.597305
  56. Duty 35 to 85, MAX current = 0.597305
  57. Duty 35 to 90, MAX current = 0.597305
  58. Duty 35 to 95, MAX current = 0.597305
  59. Duty 35 to 100, MAX current = 0.597305
  60. Duty 40 to 45, MAX current = 0.000000
  61. Duty 40 to 50, MAX current = 0.000000[/color]
  62. ^CCaught signal 2


知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-20 11:06:23 | 显示全部楼层
  1. $ ./esc32Cal --r2v -p /dev/tty.usbserial-A601XMZA -a 15
  2. Starting...
  3. Reducing RPM...

  5.     0  0.00  0.00
  6.     0  0.00  0.00
  7.     0  0.00  0.00
  8.     0  0.00  0.00
  9.     0  0.00  0.00
  10.     0  0.00  0.00
  11.     0  0.00  0.00
  12. ^CCaught signal 2

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