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发表于 2014-5-13 07:57:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  1. /*****************************************************
  2. This program was produced by the
  3. CodeWizardAVR V2.05.1b Evaluation
  4. Automatic Program Generator
  5. ?Copyright 1998-2011 Pavel Haiduc, HP InfoTech s.r.l.
  6. http://www.hpinfotech.com

  7. Project :
  8. Version :
  9. Date    : 2014-5-8
  10. Author  : Freeware, for evaluation and non-commercial use only
  11. Company :

  13. Chip type               : ATtiny85
  14. AVR Core Clock frequency: 8.000000 MHz
  15. Memory model            : Small
  16. External RAM size       : 0
  17. Data Stack size         : 128
  18. *****************************************************/

  19. #include <tiny85.h>
  20. #include<delay.h>
  21. // Pin change interrupt service routine
  22. //interrupt [PC_INT0] void pin_change_isr(void)
  23. interrupt [EXT_INT0] void ext_int0_isr(void)
  24. {
  25. // Place your code here
  26. PORTB&=0xfe;
  27. }

  28. // Declare your global variables here

  29. void main(void)
  30. {
  31. // Declare your local variables here

  32. // Crystal Oscillator division factor: 1
  33. #pragma optsize-
  34. CLKPR=0x80;
  35. CLKPR=0x00;
  36. #ifdef _OPTIMIZE_SIZE_
  37. #pragma optsize+
  38. #endif

  39. // Input/Output Ports initialization
  40. // Port B initialization
  41. // Func5=Out Func4=Out Func3=Out Func2=Out Func1=Out Func0=Out
  42. // State5=1 State4=1 State3=1 State2=1 State1=1 State0=1
  43. //PORTB=0x3F;
  44. //DDRB=0x3F;
  45. DDRB = 0x3F;             //将所有I/O口均初始化为输出状态
  46.    PORTB = 0x3F;
  47.    DDRB&=0XFD;       //PCINT1设为输入
  48.    PORTB=0X3F;

  49. // Timer/Counter 0 initialization
  50. // Clock source: System Clock
  51. // Clock value: Timer 0 Stopped
  52. // Mode: Normal top=0xFF
  53. // OC0A output: Disconnected
  54. // OC0B output: Disconnected
  55. TCCR0A=0x00;
  56. TCCR0B=0x00;
  57. TCNT0=0x00;
  58. OCR0A=0x00;
  59. OCR0B=0x00;

  60. // Timer/Counter 1 initialization
  61. // Clock source: System Clock
  62. // Clock value: Timer1 Stopped
  63. // Mode: Normal top=0xFF
  64. // OC1A output: Disconnected
  65. // OC1B output: Disconnected
  66. // Timer1 Overflow Interrupt: Off
  67. // Compare A Match Interrupt: Off
  68. // Compare B Match Interrupt: Off
  69. PLLCSR=0x00;

  70. TCCR1=0x00;
  71. GTCCR=0x00;
  72. TCNT1=0x00;
  73. OCR1A=0x00;
  74. OCR1B=0x00;
  75. OCR1C=0x00;

  76. // External Interrupt(s) initialization
  77. // INT0: Off
  78. // Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT0-5: On
  79. //GIMSK=0x20;
  80. //MCUCR=0x00;
  81. //PCMSK=0x02;
  82. //GIFR=0x20;
  83. GIMSK=0x40;
  84. MCUCR=0x00;
  85. GIFR=0x40;

  86. // Timer(s)/Counter(s) Interrupt(s) initialization
  87. TIMSK=0x00;

  88. // Universal Serial Interface initialization
  89. // Mode: Disabled
  90. // Clock source: Register & Counter=no clk.
  91. // USI Counter Overflow Interrupt: Off
  92. USICR=0x00;

  93. // Analog Comparator initialization
  94. // Analog Comparator: Off
  95. ACSR=0x80;
  96. ADCSRB=0x00;
  97. DIDR0=0x00;

  98. // ADC initialization
  99. // ADC disabled
  100. ADCSRA=0x00;

  101. // Global enable interrupts
  102. #asm("sei")

  103. while (1)
  104.       {
  105.       // Place your code here
  106.        #asm("sei")            // 开放全局中断       while(1);
  107.       }
  108. }


知道什么是神吗?其实神本来也是人,只不过神做了人做不到的事情 所以才成了神。 (头文字D, 杜汶泽)


 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-16 06:01:22 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-24 00:01:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 biying 于 2014-5-24 01:16 编辑



  1. /*****************************************************
  2. This program was produced by the
  3. CodeWizardAVR V2.05.1b Evaluation
  4. Automatic Program Generator
  5. ?Copyright 1998-2011 Pavel Haiduc, HP InfoTech s.r.l.
  6. http://www.hpinfotech.com

  7. Project :
  8. Version :
  9. Date    : 2014-5-23
  10. Author  : Freeware, for evaluation and non-commercial use only
  11. Company :
  12. Comments:    PB3和PB4接LED灯,PB1为INT0接按键

  13. Chip type               : ATtiny13A
  14. AVR Core Clock frequency: 9.600000 MHz
  15. Memory model            : Tiny
  16. External RAM size       : 0
  17. Data Stack size         : 16
  18. *****************************************************/

  19. #include <tiny13a.h>
  20. #include<delay.h>
  21. // External Interrupt 0 service routine
  22. interrupt [EXT_INT0] void ext_int0_isr(void)
  23. {
  24. // Place your code here
  25. GIMSK=0x00; //禁用INT0中断,等合适的时候再打开
  26. GIFR=0x40;
  27. PORTB ^= 1<<4;
  28. }

  29. // Declare your global variables here

  30. void main(void)
  31. {
  32. // Declare your local variables here

  33. // Crystal Oscillator division factor: 1
  34. #pragma optsize-
  35. CLKPR=0x80;
  36. CLKPR=0x00;
  37. #ifdef _OPTIMIZE_SIZE_
  38. #pragma optsize+
  39. #endif

  40. // Input/Output Ports initialization
  41. // Port B initialization
  42. // Func5=In Func4=Out Func3=Out Func2=Out Func1=In Func0=Out
  43. // State5=P State4=1 State3=1 State2=1 State1=P State0=1
  44. PORTB=0x3F;
  45. DDRB=0x1D;

  46. // Timer/Counter 0 initialization
  47. // Clock source: System Clock
  48. // Clock value: Timer 0 Stopped
  49. // Mode: Normal top=0xFF
  50. // OC0A output: Disconnected
  51. // OC0B output: Disconnected
  52. TCCR0A=0x00;
  53. TCCR0B=0x00;
  54. TCNT0=0x00;
  55. OCR0A=0x00;
  56. OCR0B=0x00;

  57. // External Interrupt(s) initialization
  58. // INT0: On
  59. // INT0 Mode: Low level
  60. // Interrupt on any change on pins PCINT0-5: Off
  61. GIMSK=0x40;
  62. MCUCR=0x01;
  63. GIFR=0x40;

  64. // Timer/Counter 0 Interrupt(s) initialization
  65. TIMSK0=0x00;

  66. // Analog Comparator initialization
  67. // Analog Comparator: Off
  68. ACSR=0x80;
  69. ADCSRB=0x00;
  70. DIDR0=0x00;

  71. // ADC initialization
  72. // ADC disabled
  73. ADCSRA=0x00;

  74. // Global enable interrupts
  75. #asm("sei")

  76. while (1)
  77.       {
  78.       // Place your code here
  79.       delay_ms(4000);
  80.       PORTB ^= 1<<3;
  81.       GIMSK=0x40;
  82.       }
  83. }


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发表于 2014-5-27 18:06:32 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-27 19:01:01 | 显示全部楼层
xinhoujue 发表于 2014-5-27 18:06

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