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转换ti硬件封装库 出现如下问题,是哪里原因?



发表于 2013-4-26 13:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 german010 于 2013-4-26 14:02 编辑

请教个 ti dsp封装 转换的问题,
ti 网站提供了.bxl文件的封装形式,并提供软件Ultra Libratian软化, 该软件导出的如下文件  
To import your new library part into Altium follow these steps:

1. After running the Ultra Librarian export for the first time,
   you will need to copy the following files into an area where
   they can be accessed for all future translations.  They are script
   files that Altium will need to be able to find.
        a. UL_Form.dfm
        b. UL_Form.pas
        c. UL_Import.pas
        d. UL_Import.prjScr
2. The above script file will need to be run from within Altium.
   This can be done by going to File, Open and selecting the
   UL_Import.PrjScr file stored above.
3. Select the UL_Form.pas file form the new project that has loaded,
   and then select runfrom the drop down menu.  You will need to select
   the form again. Run the form.   

3. When the script is run, it will ask you for the file name of the
   Ultra Librarian file to run.  You should select the latest file
   produced with a date code (for instance 2010-02-17_23-12-34.txt).
4. The script will open a new Integraged Library project and import
   the Ultra Librarian data into it.  When complete a message box
   will pop up saying that import is done.

        然后在 dxp2004中打开UL_Import.prjScr 并运行出现如下错误,

看样子  是不是 图中深红色的 语句出错了?或者是其他什么原因,还是 DXP2004不支持,


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